Getting your period is bad enough for most menstruators. Getting flu-like symptoms on top of that? FML x 10. For many people, the monthly menstrual cycle brings about a range of physical and emotional changes; while some experience mild discomfort/flow, others find themselves curled up in their bed, cursing their misfortune of having a tantrum-throwing …
You’ve heard it time and time again in all forms of pop culture – books, movies, sitcoms, songs; it’s a common trope that men and women are split on their opinion of foreplay. Women think it’s key, men feel there’s nothing there to see. However, in the realm of human intimacy, foreplay is the prelude, …
Our last blog covered the introduction to nipplegasms, while this blog gets straight to the point – how to achieve said nipplegasms. Before we start with some tips and tricks, it is important to note that not all people experience pleasure the same way, and even within the bracket of nipplegasms, preferences and sensitivities can …
Today, there is so much literature available online and offline about masturbation, clit activity, the erogenous zones, penetration, orgasms; every magazine has articles that share the best tips and tricks about pleasuring your partner, every media outlet is commenting on how to be better in bed, social media is filled with body positivity and sexual …
Ugh, period time. The general discomfort that accompanies every period cycle makes most menstruators just want to curl up in bed with a good TV show and some solid ice cream, and hey, we completely get it. If your insides are trying their best to strangle you, it does make sense that the non-sexual version …