Today, there is so much literature available online and offline about masturbation, clit activity, the erogenous zones, penetration, orgasms; every magazine has articles that share the best tips and tricks about pleasuring your partner, every media outlet is commenting on how to be better in bed, social media is filled with body positivity and sexual positivity posts, and yet…one topic still skirts under the radar, so much so that this phenomenon has become a bit of an urban myth.
We’re here to tell you that it’s simply not true, and there are some people out there who have experienced a very unique kind of orgasm for themselves – the elusive ‘nipplegasm’.
‘Nipplegasm’ or an orgasm derived from the stimulation of your nipular areas, is a term used to describe the pleasurable sensations or orgasmic feelings that some individuals may experience when these parts are titillated. Nipple stimulation, in a nutshell, can involve various activities, such as touching, rubbing, licking, sucking, or using toys specifically designed for nipple play.
Why have the nips been neglected?

So, you may be wondering why nobody really talks about nipples or gives them any emphasis. This is because when it comes to the world of sexual activity, nipples are treated as the means to the end (the end being a clitoral climax, that is). People kind of view the nipples as the ticket you need to access the ride, and usually, don’t pay heed to these areas once their partner is truly aroused, well, down there.
But what you don’t know is that nipples have a high concentration of nerve endings, making them an erogenous zone for many people. When stimulated, the nerve endings send signals to the brain, triggering sensations of pleasure. Nipple stimulation can also lead to the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with arousal and sexual pleasure.
Also, your breasts can increase in size by as much as 25% during sexual arousal, so partners, you may want to pay attention to the upper half too. It’s as much of a jackpot as the zone down below.
But what are nipplegasms and how are they even possible?

If you consider how our brains are wired, it’s honestly a no-brainer. Given that the nipples are connected to the same place in the brain that inputs sensation from clitoris and vagina, nipple orgasms have a decently high likelihood of occuring.
When your nipples are stimulated, these sensations also find their way to a key brain structure called the hypothalamus, which, in addition to its other functions, regulates the brain chemicals that make us excited, angry, horny, or happy. Stimulation of the nipples causes the hypothalamus to release oxytocin—a potent neurohormone that can enhance feelings of bonding, and helps trigger the pleasurable contractions experienced during an orgasm itself.
What does a nipplegasm feel like?

Before you get too caught up in the possibilities, it’s important to note that not everyone experiences nipplegasms, and the possibility of it occurring can, of course, differ from person to person. Some people have reported that their nipplegasm has made them let out a sigh-type of orgasm, while others have experienced the whole nine yards, toe-curling, eyes-rolling, moaning kind.
If you are looking for data to make your case, reports based on nonscientific surveys estimate that the percentage of women who experience orgasms from nipple stimulation alone ranges anywhere from 1% to 15.5%. And unless you try it for yourself, you’ll never know 😉
Next on our blog list – how can your partner and you try to get you off to a nipplegasm. Stay tuned if you want to know more!